Valley High School
Class Of 1964
Juan Garcia
Juan's Latest Interactions
Hello class , I'm Juan's wife,
He had a Birthday October 19th.
But yesterday on Halloween night , he turned into a pumkin.
So , today, I decided to bake, now he's a pumkin pie.
LOL ! ??
Thk you Helen for 3-29 Nam Vet's day mention. Too many lives lost ,too many shattered lives. Juan my husband served there '67-68. PTSD ,good n bad days .Regards to all the other Nam Vets & Viking. Stay well All ! Happy Spring And happy Easter !!
Rest in peace David , and Condolences his family
Happy Birthday ,stay well, stay healthy in the New Year !
How are you Richard ?. Happy birthday, now you're an old man like the rest of us !
Mucho anos han pasado . Juan
Stay well , my friend,
Hey Janie, you hv the same B. day as me ! Hope your B. wz a good one,mine wz,,
Stay positive
test negatife
Hello everyone ! Happy fall season ! Steve asked about Eddie Gianinni. I lived with his sister Valerie Gianinni,Wheatherill & her husband Richard Wheatherill off of Edith. They were my sponcors whn I came here. He moved to Arizona, Valerie pass 3 years ago. I haven't heard from that guy since . Stay positive. & Test negative,,, my friends ! Happy Leslie
Ha ha ha , that fable of the plague phanthom is right on...everyone is "freaking out",
and Charles , the t p cartoon... ds the present virus cause diarrea or wht ? these are the
times when most people trust in we should always