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•   Charles Barone  7/26
•   Katherine Zachary (Lowry)  7/26
•   Mikell Becker  7/22
•   Tony Scarton  7/18
•   Leslie Fluke  7/2
•   Nick Pavlakovich Jr.  6/27
•   Shari Weichman (Croker)  5/25
•   Gary Goad (Goad)  5/20
•   Carol Leopold (Bennefield)  5/17
•   Michael Byrnes  4/11
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Official Website for VHS Class of 64

Updated September 16, 2023




We not only have a date, we also have a venue; thanks to Tony Scarton and Lou Hoffman!


When we looked over the suggestions and comments that you gave us on our survey a while back, it became obvious that we had a lot of boxes to check off to make people happy. We couldn't do them all, but we did try to cover the requests of the majority:


  • Plan on having it in the Fall...for best weather, usually

  • Close to the time of the Balloon Festival would be ideal for our travelers

  • Not an out of town venue like the 50th

  • Earlier, so we're not walking and driving in the dark

  • Easy access for less able guests

  • Music not too loud, so we can talk

  • Low cost for attending – maybe a buffet


Those are the items that a clear majority desired in our survey. So, I think Tony and Lou managed to check all those boxes with our date and venue.


The date is October 4th, 2024 (day before the 2024 Balloon Fiesta starts). And it's planned from 2pm till 5pm.


The location is the New Mexico Veterans Memorial, Museum and Conference center 1100 Louisiana Blvd SE. Easy access for all.


And...the Cost is FREE. That's right, there is no charge for this reunion. We hope that makes is possible for more of our classmates to attend. (free for Classmates and Spouses/SO)


There are many things that go into putting one of these events on; and your Reunion Committee is already on the job. Visit the Reunion Committee page and send a thank you to the wonderful classmates that have been planning and executing our reunions for many decades. And don't forget Tony...our Class President For Life!


Much more to come, stay tuned...


PS While we are thanking people, here's a special thanks to the many people who spent time to fill out the Survey. It REALLY helped us!





Email Address Problems

We have received an increasing number of "email bounce-backs" on our web page. These notifications indicate that the email address shown in our system for a classmate is no longer current and messages sent out come back as undeliverable. Your web page administrators receive a report showing the classmate name and some addtional contact information. An attempt is then made to contact the classmate to get current email information. Please remember that if you change your email address and still wish to receive important notiffications from our system, access your classmate profile and update your email address. As the time for our 60th reunion (!) approaches, activity on our site will likely increase.



The new VHS Veterans Memorial


Years ago, a VHS classmate envisioned a unique memorial to the Vikings we lost during the Vietnam war. Eli Padilla (Class of '65) felt there should be a permanent reminder of the loss we share from that now long ago conflict. Our classmates should not be just names in a book or on a wall in DC. He wanted to remind our present day students of the cost we pay to fight for liberty (ours and others) in a hard world.


Many of us remember Eli as a star basketball player along side our own classmates, including Tony Scarton our class president. Eli went on to become a PhD professor at UNM; but he remembers well the disruption of our lives by this unpopular war (a redundancy, to be sure).


Nonetheless, many were called to serve and far too many didn't make it home.  Or they came home forever changed; in ways today's students can't even imagine.

Shouldn't we remind and make personal the sacrifices we must pay, to have the freedoms we take for granted... in a world far less free than the one we share here?

Remember those carefree days in school?  We had no idea, did we... How the world would change us. How it forever changed these young heroes, willing or not.

To learn more about the details of Eli's work (and others, including Glenn Fellows - Architect, from our class) Click on this link and learn and appreciate (and maybe even donate to the special Scolarship fund that Eli started) Click here...

And to our Veterans, where ever they are... today and every day: Thank you for your service.


If you missed our Veterans Tribute, you can find it here:

Tribute to Our Veterans







 Our Website has had 175,566 visits since we started up in September 2012