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Official Website for VHS Class of 64

Updated November 27  2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for on this day, and every day.

We hope everyone is able to enjoy family, friends, good cheer and a moment of reflection.

Looking past the problems both personal and in the world, we live in a truly blessed country with limitless possibilites and so many reasons to be thankful, if we can only look beyond the gloom and doom brought to us daily by our sometimes relentless technologies and advertising media(s).

Be of good cheer, "For whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.  Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.  And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.  be cheerful. Strive to be happy."*

Happy Thanksgiving November 27, 2024

(*Desiderada in part...)






Special Thanks and Respect to our Veteran Classmates

And to All Veterans on this Veterans Day November 11, 2024

                         Image and Display Credit: Glenn Fellows


The Image shown above was a large display at the 60th Class Reunion.

Over 100 Classmates served honorably in various branches of our Armed Forces.  We owe a debt of gratitude for their service and sacrifice. It's important to also remember that the families of these classmates also shared that sacrifice (and worry, when their Servicemen and women were put in harms way).

We proudly salute our classmates (over 100 of them) and send our thanks and respect to all those listed in links below.

You can click on each name to be taken to their profile page. 

If you like, please reach out and leave a message either public or private.  Public means that all other classmates (and only our classmates) will be able to see the comments and any replies.  Private means your comment is sent to a private message board and only that classmate can read and make a replies to it. Messages can be edited or deleted by you.

A rose next to their name signifies that they are deceased and they are in our 'In Memory' section of the website.   You can leave a message there to share with classmates and the classmate's family and friends. (Our 'In Memory' page is one of several pages on our website that are open to the general public so that families can view messages left for their loved ones).

On this day, and every day, we salute our Veterans. 


David Alarid    
William Allen   
Ted Alley    
Lucas Armijo    
Samuel Baca    
Kenneth Ball    
Robert Barker    
John Barnum    
Charles Barone     
Kay Bartholomew    
Mikell Becker     
David Booth   
James Bowman    
Richard Brannon   
Alan Brinkman    
John Budagher    
Fred Byer    
Michael Byrnes     
Johnny Carver    
Steve Cervantes   
Jerry Chavarria    
Kenneth Clair   
Tommy Contreras   
Roy Cornelius    
Larry Culp    
George Cunningham    
Leslie Davis   
Orlando Duran    
Charles Fagan   
Glenn Fellows    
Mike Ferguson    
Leslie Fluke    
Hugh Formhals    
Juan Garcia   
David Garduno    
Ray Gere     
Gary Goad (Goad)   
Lorenzo Gonzales    
Phillip Gonzales   
Dennis Grano    
Richard Gutierrez    
Stephen Haller   
O K Odie Harris    
Lou Hoffman     
David Holden    
Mark Hopkins    
Ross Howard    
James Johnson   
Richard Johnston    
Dennis Kimbrough    
Calvin Kinsel    
Jack Leverton (Rachels)    
Robert Lowder     
Michael Lowry    
Flavio Lucero   
Leonard Lucero    
Tandy Lucero    
Dale Lyngen   
Gloria Maestas   
Edgar Malloy    
George Martinez    
Mike Matthews    
Dennis McCool   
Ernest McIntyre    
Tim McKinney   
J. Wayne McNeely   
(Lloyd) Irwin Moore    
Michael Morris    
Craig Murray   
Eloy Pacheco    
Jessie Pacheco   
David Padilla    
Victor Padilla    
Nick Pavlakovich Jr.     
Richard Perce, Dvm   
Earl Plumley    
Kent Porter    
Jay Powelson    
Robert A. Richardson   
Danny Robles    
Steve (Esteban) Rodriguez    
Allen Rogers   
Eddie Roybal    
Phillip Ruelas    
Tom Salmon   
Albert Sanchez   
Anthony (Tony) M Sanchez   
Uvaldo Sanchez    
Joe Sevier    
Howard Shephard -Britt    
Mike Sheyka     
John Snodgrass    
Craig Sowers     
Marco Vallecorse   
Verby Van Houten    
John Vickers    
Rupert White    
Michael Williams    
James Windsor    
Mark Wood    
Steven Woodard    




********************** Old News Below **********************




Email Address Problems

We have received an increasing number of "email bounce-backs" on our web page. These notifications indicate that the email address shown in our system for a classmate is no longer current and messages sent out come back as undeliverable. Your web page administrators receive a report showing the classmate name and some addtional contact information. An attempt is then made to contact the classmate to get current email information. Please remember that if you change your email address and still wish to receive important notiffications from our system, access your classmate profile and update your email address. As the time for our 60th reunion (!) approaches, activity on our site will likely increase.



The new VHS Veterans Memorial


Years ago, a VHS classmate envisioned a unique memorial to the Vikings we lost during the Vietnam war. Eli Padilla (Class of '65) felt there should be a permanent reminder of the loss we share from that now long ago conflict. Our classmates should not be just names in a book or on a wall in DC. He wanted to remind our present day students of the cost we pay to fight for liberty (ours and others) in a hard world.


Many of us remember Eli as a star basketball player along side our own classmates, including Tony Scarton our class president. Eli went on to become a PhD professor at UNM; but he remembers well the disruption of our lives by this unpopular war (a redundancy, to be sure).


Nonetheless, many were called to serve and far too many didn't make it home.  Or they came home forever changed; in ways today's students can't even imagine.

Shouldn't we remind and make personal the sacrifices we must pay, to have the freedoms we take for granted... in a world far less free than the one we share here?

Remember those carefree days in school?  We had no idea, did we... How the world would change us. How it forever changed these young heroes, willing or not.

To learn more about the details of Eli's work (and others, including Glenn Fellows - Architect, from our class) Click on this link and learn and appreciate (and maybe even donate to the special Scolarship fund that Eli started) Click here...

And to our Veterans, where ever they are... today and every day: Thank you for your service.


If you missed our Veterans Tribute, you can find it here:

Tribute to Our Veterans







 Our Website has had 185,036 visits since we started up in September 2012